"TCB & Tech" is the trading name of Taking Care Of Your Business and Technology Supplies Ltd. Please note that the trading name "TCB & Tech" is used throughout these Terms and Conditions in place of, and as reference to, the Company Taking Care Of Your Business and Technology Supplies Ltd. 

1. VALUE ADDED TAX – all prices exclude VAT, this will be added at current rate applicable at the date of sale.

2. DELIVERY CHARGES - Orders over £50 exclusive of VAT are delivered free of charge , orders below £50 will a small delivery of £5.99

3. ALL ORDERS & CONTRACTS are accepted byTCB & Tech subject to force majeure without engagement regarding delivery and subject to prices ruling at the time of dispatch from our warehouse. Force majeure shall include acts of God, riots, war, explosion, fire, storms, lock-outs, strikes, national or local legislation or regulation, the service alleging the infringement of third party patent rights, accident, breakdown of plant or machinery and shortage of materials.

4. TERM OF PAYMENT – The prices charged and against which payment must be made, will be those prices ruling at the date of dispatch of the goods. Unless otherwise agreed, cash must be sent with order or cash paid against pro-forma invoice until a credit account has been approved. Credit terms require payment within 30 days from the date of the invoice, but TCB & Tech have the right to withdraw credit facilities in the event of any failure by the purchaser to adhere to these terms of payment. It is an express condition of sale that TCB & Tech shall be entitled to charge, without notice, interest at the rate of 20% above the Bank of England base rate as of invoice date, calculated weekly on balances more than 7 days overdue, in the event of TCB & Tech having recourse to legal action against the purchaser in order to obtain payment of outstanding accounts any costs in so doing are payable by the purchaser on a full indemnity basis, TCB & Tech shall be entitled to recover and resell any goods for which payment has not been received by TCB & Tech.


6. CHANGES IN PRICE AND SPECIFICATION – It will be appreciated that the nature of distributing so many leading brands of Computer and Office consumables means that prices can fluctuate as the result of currency changes and specifications may be altered at the manufacturer’s discretion. Our policy is to keep our customers informed of changes when they happen. However, this is not always possible and we must reserve the right to make changes to specifications and prices without prior notice.

7. DELIVERY TIMES – Whilst every endeavour is made to effect deliveries on time, no representation as to the exact dates is to be implied and no liability will be accepted for any loss or damage occasioned by delay in delivery however caused.

8. NON-DELIVERY – Goods not received MUST be notified to TCB & Tech in writing within 3 days of time of order.

9. DIRECT DELIVERY – Should a customer request that a delivery be made to an address other than his main trading address, full details of such address must be confirmed in writing by FAX, LETTER OR E-MAIL prior to shipment of goods. TCB & Tech or their approved parcel carrier accepts no responsibility to confirm the authenticity as to the information provided for Third Party deliveries. Any liability due to the possible misappropriation of goods to either the named recipient or their approved agent is also not the responsibility of either TCB & Tech or their approved parcel carrier.

10. SHORTAGES, INCORRECT GOODS SENT, DISCREPANCIES OF ANY KIND OR GOODS DAMAGED IN TRANSIT – MUST BE NOTIFIED IN WRITING BY FAX, LETTER, E-MAIL WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RECEIPT OF GOODS. Customers signing for the receipt of goods, not noting shortages or damage, are liable for the loss. Customers signing for goods UNEXAMINED or DAMAGED’ must notify details to TCB & Tech within 72 hours of receipt of goods to avoid liability for the loss.

11. PROOF OF DELIVERY – Will only be provided against requests in writing, which MUST be made within 14 days of the date of the invoice. An administration fee of £25.00 may be charged, at TCB & Tech’s sole discretion if delivery is proven. 

12. RETURNS – Customers wishing to return goods to TCB & Tech for whatever reason MUST first contact TCB & Techs Customer Service Department during normal working hours, within 14 days of delivery to obtain their Customer Returns Reference. Any ‘faulty’ product must be clearly marked with its ‘Defect’ and clearly associated with the evidence of defect. The issue of a Customer Returns Number is NOT an agreement to credit. All product returned under complaint will be returned to the supplier or manufacturer for examination prior to any credit agreement, which may result in a delay. Return of unused stock items requires TCB & Tech’s prior approval and will be subject to a 30% non-negotiable charge, which will be deducted from the credit. Non-stock items cannot be returned for credit. Unused goods returned for whatever reason received damaged, or with original packaging marked, will not be credited.

13. CLAIMS – if any goods supplied by TCB & Tech prove on inspection to be defective in material or workmanship, TCB & Tech. undertakes at its option to replace the same or refund to the purchaser the price of goods and in no circumstances will liability exceed the cost of replacement or (at TCB & Tech’s option) the price paid by the purchaser for such goods. TCB & Tech. shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable for damages, whether consequential or otherwise, howsoever caused or occasioned and this undertaking is given in place of and excludes all other warranties and conditions whatsoever whether implied by statute or otherwise unless and expect for personal injuries to any person. Warranty will not exceed that set by the manufacturer.

14. CUSTOMERS’ CONDITIONS endorsed on their orders are binding only to the extent that they do not conflict with these conditions of sale, or any other of TCB & Tech conditions of sale.

15. NON-STANDARD GOODS sent in accordance with customers written order cannot be accepted for return by TCB & Tech. Orders for non-stock items must be confirmed in writing.

16. COMPATABILITY – Responsibility for establishing the compatibility of any TCB & Tech goods with papers, other material or equipment used by the buyer in manufacture or use, or used with other TCB & Tech. goods shall rest upon the purchaser. TCB & Tech shall not be liable for any loss, whether consequential or otherwise, or for deterioration of TCB & Tech goods or other material used with them, in manufacture or otherwise, caused by compatibility of such materials one with the other.

17. RETENTION OF TITLE – Ownership of any goods supplied will remain with TCB & Tech. until such time as payment in full is made by the purchaser. In the event of payment not being made within 14 days of the due date, TCB & Tech shall be entitled to enter any premises where the goods may be to recover possession. In the event that such goods are resold by the purchaser prior to payment, TCB & Tech will be entitled to the proceeds of any such sale up to the full amount owing to TCB & Tech.

Goods not paid for shall be stored at no extra cost to TCB & Tech so that they are identifiable as belonging to TCB & Tech. Should the purchaser use the goods in a further production process the property in the converted product will pass immediately to TCB & Tech and will remain with TCB & Tech. from the moment of conversion until the purchaser has paid all sums due to TCB & Tech and the foregoing shall apply to the converted goods as to the original goods themselves.

18. GENERAL – No variation hereto or addition hereto shall be binding upon TCB & Tech unless given in writing by the Director of TCB & Tech. These Terms and conditions of Sale shall be governed by English Law.

19. These terms and Conditions supersede any prior agreement.

20. Errors and omissions excluded.