Selectively mute children are at a significant disadvantage personally, socially and educationally
This unique manual emphasises practical assessment and treatment and provides advice and information, filling a significant gap in the availability of suitable resources in this field
Uses an approach based on behavioural principles and a hierarchy of stages of confident speaking originally conceived by Anthony Glassberg
Summarises relevant literature and theory and provides detailed ideas on assessment and management
Includes case examples, photocopiable material, and a discussion about progress, transfer and discharge
Written for teachers, clinical and educational psychologists, speech language therapists, child psychiatrists and parents
Chapters:Frequently asked questions
General assessment considerations and implications
Preliminary investigation
Child interview and assessment
Creating the right environment: advice for home and school
General treatment considerations
Overview of the treatment progression
A structured treatment programme
Eliciting speech for the first time/Generalising speech across people and settings/Effective practice