white is a superb alternative to the traditional ray box
It can be used in most experiments in place of a ray box and offers a number of advantages:
Purer white light compared to the traditional ray optics boxes, no blackout required No additional Power Supply required ‐ 5V plug top is included Uses less power ‐ 1W LED rather than 24/36W bulb and is much cooler than traditional ray optics boxes Much longer life than filament bulbs ‐ approx
10,000 hours Plug top PSU prevents the voltage from being suddenly increased causing the bulb to blow, as it can be with a traditional ray box and variable power supply set up Can be mounted on a retort stand using the incorporated boss Has an integral Slit Plate Holder
Spectra produced using prisms or diffraction gratings are bright and clear, from red through to violet
It can be mounted on a retort stand or optics bench using the mounting rod
The product includes:
White unit, with power supply An experiment guide on CD 2 slit plates and holder Mounting rod
white Experiment Kit (B8L87359), a Light Guide Demonstrator (B8A45688) and an Acrylic Light Pipe (B8R08096) are also available separately