This Brownlee Water Electrolysis Apparatus is a simple and economical type of electrolysis apparatus
Platinum electrodes are attached to insulated connecting rods which are attached to binding posts mounted on a non‐conducting support
The support rests across the top of a battery jar (1L Beaker ‐ not included) and has two clips that each hold an inverted test tube
Operates on 6V battery or 10V DC power supply (B8G85458 or similar)
The apparatus is used to demonstrate that electrically conductive liquids can be decomposed and resolved into their constituent elements by means of a unidirectional electric current
The gaseous components formed by this method can be trapped, and their relative volumes estimated
Although designed primarily to electrolyze water, this apparatus can be used with many other aqueous solutions
Other solutions can be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of electroplating with the help of two clips