UNILAB Cloud Chamber



  • This large cloud chamber allows the visualization of atomic particles as they pass through a super saturated Isopropanol vapour, cooled by dry ice
  • Energetic charged particles collide with the gas molecules causing a trail of ionized particles
  • These ionized gas particles act as nucleation sites on which the super saturated alcohol vapour condenses, leaving a cloud like trail that lasts for a few seconds
  • The built in LED lighting is collimated to produce less glare, making the traces highly visible
  • The foam inserts housed in a Gratnells tray, provide excellent insulation giving run times of over one hour, as well as convenient storage
  • The large tank size means the cloud chamber is even capable of detecting background radiation
  • Supplied with a thoriated welding rod to use as a source and full instructions
  • Additional products required to operate (not included): Isopropanol (Propan‐2‐ol) ‐ B8F78836.12V d
  • c
  • Power Supply ‐ B8G85458 (or similar).4mm Connecting Lead ‐ B8R05705 (2 required)
  • Dry Ice ‐ B8R05358 (10kg of 9mm pellets)
Group 1 Science
Group 2 Physics
Group 3 Atomic Structure
Style Code FE00013708