The unit is ideal for accurate measurement of either cumulative electrical energy delivered to a load from a power supply, or instantaneous power
A range of experiments are possible from simple investigations into specific heat capacity to measurement of energy stored in LCR Circuits
When measuring energy delivered, an audible bleep (which can be switched off) indicates each increment of the least significant digit on the display, and the TTL Pulse (of duration 25 ms) is output via 4mm sockets for external counters
When measuring power, a voltage sensor across the 0‐10V 4mm socket power output can be used for data‐logging
Features:Display: 4‐digit, 20mm high LED display with decimal point automatically moved by the range switch
Input: 24V d
max or 17V rms a
max of any wave form d
to 10kHz
Ranges: from 0.1mJ to 100J per count in 6 decades from 0.001mW to 100W (least significant digit) in 6 ranges LEDs indicate readings in mW and KJ
Power: Mains unit with 1.8m of 3‐core cable, illuminated ON/OFF Switch & 1A fuse.4‐digit LED display of either energy delivered or power supplied.6 switch‐selectable ranges, with internal shunts
Output sockets suitable for connection to dataloggers & external counters
Dimensions: 240mm x 160mm x 160mm
Mass: 2.1kg
An instruction manual of experiments is included
This device is compliant to EN61010‐2010 with certificates available on request