Use this DNA Fingerprinting Using Restriction Enzymes Kit to teach your students about restriction enzyme digestion in the context of Forensic Science
Your students will cut DNA with restriction enzymes and then compare the ”Barcode” pattern of the crime scene DNA versus that of the suspects using DNA electrophoresis
Group Size: for 6 lab groups
Storage: Some components require freezer storage upon receipt
Time Required: Complete in 90 minutes
The kit includes:Full instructions
';crime scene' and ”suspect” Ready‐to‐Load™ DNA samples
DNA Standard Marker
Dryzymes® ‐ Eco RI and Hind III
Enzyme Reaction Buffer
Reconstitution Buffer
Enzyme Grade Water
UltraSpec‐Agarose™.10X Gel Loading Solution.50X Concentrated Electrophoresis Buffer
Practice Gel Loading Solution
InstaStain™ Blue Cards
FlashBlue™ DNA Stain
Disposable Pipettes
Microcentrifuge Tubes
Additional required equipment & materials (not supplied with the kit):Electrophoresis tank with accessories including casting trays, micropipettes & special power supply (B8R03273)