A versatile Digicounter suitable for timing, frequency, period and radioactivity measurement
A built‐in high stability crystal controlled oscillator ensures a typical accuracy of 0.005% on all measuring ranges
The period measurement and display function enables very low frequencies to be measured rapidly with a high degree of accuracy
It also allows triggered timing of trolley speeds (etc
) to be performed using a single light gate; and by shorting the period input, infinite radioactivity or frequency counts may be obtained
Full Notes for Use included
Radioactivity:Inputs: E
T BNC connector for a G
Supply voltage adjustable from 300 to 500V
Counting time: 1, 10, 100 or 1000 seconds and infinity
Can be set to take a single or a continuous series of readings, each being displayed for 3 seconds before the next is taken
Rate: Obtained by dividing the count reading by the counting time
Speaker: Output will feed into a speaker of any impedance
Timing Ranges: 0 to 99.9999 x 0.1ms; 0 to 999.999 x 1ms; 0 to 9999.99 x 0.01s (10ms); 0 to 99999.9 x 0.1s (100ms)
Accuracy: Better than 0.005% �1 count
Gating: (1) By manual front panel stop/start switch;(2) By make or break input sockets; (3) By triggering timing stop/start inputs
Output 2V and 6V a
at 0.5A for light gate or similar ampsFrequency Inputs:Low frequency, d
to 3MHz minimum (5MHz typical)
Will operate with T
L inputs, light gates etc
High frequency, capacitively coupled 30Hz to 3MHz minimum (5MHz typical);
High gain, input voltage required 0.8mV r
from 30Hz to 20kHz; recommended microphone ‐ high impedance dynamic typeInput impedance: 20O for inputs (1) and (2); 100kO for input (3)
Accuracy: Better than 0.005% ‐+ 1 countPeriod:Timing intervals: 0.1, 1, 10 and 100msThis device is compliant to EN61010‐2010 with certificates available on request
Related products include:Geiger‐Muller Tube (B8H27155) & Geiger‐Muller Tube Holder (B8A49724)
Radioactive Source Handling Tool (B8A49608)
Radioactive Sources (B849589, B8A49578, or B8A49591)