The Distinction D4000 is a simple glass water still with a silica sheathed heating element which ensures top purity distillate at an economical price
Designed to give a reliable performance and has an output of 4 litres per hour of high quality distilled water
The unique condenser design ensures that the droplets of distilled water remain in contact with the cooling coil for the longest possible time producing cold distilled water and pre‐heating the boiler feed to increase efficiency
The Distinction is supplied complete with a 'reservoir level control' which fits into the distillate collecting vessel and will turn off the heating element when the vessel is full
Prevents overflow if the still is inadvertently left switched on when unattended
With two independent safety thermostats to prevent over heating in the event of an interruption to the water supply
A built in PTFE drain stopcock and acid funnel allow easy cleaning without dismantling the glassware which protect the still from overheating in the event of cooling water supply failure, or loss of water from the boiler
The condenser is fitted with screw thread connections for safe and simple hose fitting and removal without risk of breakage
The still can be wall or bench mounted
The stand is pre‐drilled to facilitate wall mounting
The Distinction complies fully with IEC1010‐1/ENG1010‐1:1993 and carries the CE mark
Specification:Output: 4 litres per hour
Water supply: Minimum flowrate 1 litre per min, Min pressure 0.2 x 105 Nm‐2 (3 psi)