Highly evacuated electron tube with focusing electron gun and inclined fluorescent screen so the path of the beam can be seen and the effects of electric and magnetic fields can be studied
The electron beam can be deflected electrically in the electric field and magnetically by using the Helmholtz coil pair (B8A49475)
By adjusting the electric field so that it cancels the magnetic deflection, it is possible to determine the specific charge e/m and the velocity of the electrons
Simple electrostatic and magnetic deflection may be demonstrated and the relationships shown between the plate potentials or coil currents and degree of deflection
The 'electron mirror' effect producing trochoidal spirals is easily shown and also the magnetic focusing at points along the trochoid
The Deflection e/m Tube is the standard glass sphere with cylindrical neck and has a diode electron gun with filament and cylindrical anode
In the centre of the sphere, and angled at 15� across the axis, is a mica screen measuring approximately 90mm in length and 60mm in height
The undivided side is coated with phosphor and produces a clear fluorescent trace when irradiated by the electron beam
The top and bottom edges of the mica plate are supported by horizontal metal plates which are connected to an E