Another very well known example of the use of micro‐organisms is the production of alcohol by yeast fermentation
Our Alcohol Fermentation Kit looks at fermentation in detail comparing the Anaerobic and Aerobic processes, and monitoring both the cell mass (biomass) changes and volume of alcohol produced
It also includes setting up an immobilised cell system for comparative purposes
The kit includes:Calcium Chloride
Yest Extract Powder
Sodium Metabisulfite
Sodium Alginate
Dried Active Yeast
Wine Yeast Compound
Polythene Container
Foam bung
Plain bag
Clear plastic tubing
Miniature 3‐way Luer Tap
Plastic syringe
Triple Scale Hydrometer
Full instructionsThe following additional materials or equipment are required:Glucose
Aquarium pump
Magnetic stirrer (ideally two)
Colorimeter.6‐7cm length of glass tubing (to fit into PVC tube provided)