Genes may be switched 'on' or 'off' in different cells so that a muscle cell, for instance, is different from an epidermal cell
This kit examines the mechanism by which a particular gene in the bacterium Escherichia Coli, coding for the enzyme b‐galactosidase, is turned 'on' in the presence of lactose
This is the gene studied in the 1950's and 60's by Jaques Monod and Fran�ois Jacob and led to the generally accepted Jacob‐Monod model of gene regulation
The kit is an ideal introduction to this complex subject at 'A' level & contains enough material for twenty students
The kit contains:3 x 50ml bottles of minimal medium.1 x 5ml bottle of 5% glucose solution.1 x 5ml bottle of 5% lactose solution.1 x 5ml bottle of glucose & lactose solution.0.3g O‐NPG (O‐nitrophenyl‐beta‐D‐galactopyranoside).1 x E‐Coli cultureAdditional materials required (not included):Test tubes (3 per student).4 x pipettes