Number Fun Whole School



  • Number Fun is unique
  • It is a powerful online learning tool that combines visualisation, animation, vocabulary, story, song and humour into dynamic mathematical learning packages for children aged 3‐11
  • A Number Fun login gives you access to over 500 Number Fun videos, plus an extensive suite of additional activities and resources that help children engage in deep mathematical learning experiences
  • Each video is targeted at a specific objective and brings a layer of creativity to any mathematics curriculum or scheme
  • Number Fun is the creation of primary mathematics consultant and trainer Dave Godfrey, whose songs and resources have been used across England and aboard for over 20 years
  • Dave has recorded a set of bite‐sized videos to help you maximise the power of Number Fun as well providing links to the extremely popular White Rose Scheme of Learning and the NCETM documentation
  • The Number Fun on EuHu: Whole School Subscription offers unlimited logins for all teaching and support staff at no extra cost
  • Tailored for UK schools, you can select your tier directly on this page, starting from just £99
  • Enjoy full access to engaging maths resources for your entire school!For MAT discounts, please contact us at support@euhu
  • co
  • uk
  • For individual subscription options, or more information about Number Fun, please visit https://www
  • euhu
  • uk/numberfun
Group 1 Curricular
Group 2 Subscriptions
Group 3 EuHu
Style Code FE058475