Yellow Door 1-10 Natural Number Stackers



  • This inviting number stacker will be a valuable resource to teach early number concepts by helping children to make connections within and between numbers to ten
  • The bases measure 50mm and show four different representations for each number: numeral, standard 1‐5 dice array, random dot array and 10‐frame pattern
  • Great to support early number sense and counting, children will be able to see clearly the quantity or 'howmanyness' of each number, 1:1 counting, 1 more/1 less and difference
  • Made from responsibly‐sourced beech wood, each set includes ten number posts (60‐170mm) and 55 rings
Group 1 Curricular
Group 2 Mathematics
Group 3 Early Maths
Group 4 Sorting, Counting & Classifying
Style Code FE00018360